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What is Iridology?

Iridology is an alternative diagnostic practice that involves examining the iris, the coloured part of the eye to assess a person’s health. Practitioners believe that different regions of the iris correspond to specific organs and systems in the body and changes in these patterns, colours or markings can indicate imbalance or health issues.

How Iridology Works:

Mapping the Iris:

  • The iris is divided into zones that correspond to different parts of the body, much like a reflexology map


  • Iridologists use magnifying tools, cameras or microscopes to examine the iris in detail, looking for patterns, textures or discolourations


  • Based on the observations, they interpret signs that may indicate organ stress, systemic imbalances or genetic predispositions

What Iridology May Identify:

  • Potential issues in organs or systems that may need attention
  • Indicators of poor digestion or absoption of nutrients
  • Signs of detoxification ineffiencies
  • Emotional or physical stress imprints on the iris
  • Insights into inherited strengths and weaknesses

*Iridology is not a diagnostic tool for identifying specific illnesses or conditions

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