What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a traditional Chines medicine practice that involves inserting thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the flow of Qi (vital energy) and restore balance. It is commonly used to alleviate pain, improve overall wellbeing and address various health conditions.
Core Principles:
- Qi and Meridians:
- Qi Flows through pathways called meridians that connect different organs and systems in the body
- Blockages or imbalances in Qi can lead to illness or discomfort
- Acupuncture aims to unblock and balance Qi by stimulating specific points on the meridians
2. Yin and Yang
- Acupuncture also seeks to balance the opposing forces of Yin (passive, cool, nourishing energy) and Yang (active, warm, energising energy) in the body
How It Works:
- Consultation: The practitioner evaluates the patients symptoms, lifestyle and overall health through observation, questioning and sometimes pulse and tongue examination
- Needle Insertion: Thin needles are inserted into the specific acupuncture points based on the clients condition/symptoms
- Stimulation: The needles may be gently manipulated or techniques like electroacupuncture (applying electrical currents) or moxibustion (warming with burning herbs) may be used.
- Duration: Needles are typically left in place for 15-30 minutes during a session
Benefits of Acupuncture:
- Pain Relief: Effective for chronic pain, headaches, migraines, arthritis and back pain
- Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Promotes relaxation and helps manage emotional wellbeing
- Improved Sleep: Addresses insomnia and other sleep disorders
- Digestive Health: Alleviates issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and nausea
- Hormonal Inbalances: Helps with conditions like menstrual pain, menopause symptoms and infertility
- Enhanced Immunity: Supports the immune system and reduces the frequency of colds and infections