What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy, also know as Bowen Technique is a gentle, holistic form of bodywork that aims to promote healing and pain relief by stimulating the body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. It involves precise, rolling movements over muscles, tendons and fascia (connective tissues).

How it Works:

  • Practitioners use thier fingers and thumbs to perform light, specific moves on targeted areas of the body
  • These movements are interspersed with short pauses, allowing the body to process the signals and begin realignment or healing
  • The therapy is thought to influence the nervous system, promoting relaxation, reducing pain and improving overall function

Common Applications:

Bowen Therapy is used to address a wide range of conditions, including:

  • Musculoskeletal issues like back pain, neck pain and joint discomfort
  • Sports injuries
  • Chronic pain and fibromyalgia
  • Stress, anxiety and fatigue
  • Digestive problems and respiratory issues


  • Non-invasive and suitable for most people of all ages, including infants and the elderly
  • Typically involves minimal discomfort due to the gently nature of the technique
  • Sessions often lead to deep relaxation and a sense of well-being

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